I Wrote A Book

John Anthony
1 min readFeb 23, 2022

Stories from The Last Basin is available on Amazon, but I’m going to serialize it here on Medium for your enjoyment (or constructive criticism!). I will maintain the order of the short stories, but plan to collapse the last three stories into a short novella as they are very integrated.

I will also be interspersing my serialization with commentary about how I discovered my voice after several decades of failing to, why short story writing depends on both art and craft, and discussing why (contrary to my original belief) reading the fiction of other writers is essential to writing original fiction of your own.

Being a bit opinionated about quality fiction and the world of publication, there will likely be some random essays about the challenges for fiction writers and how to overcome them. And of course, how short stories differ significantly from longer form novels. Both tell stories, but in entirely different ways. And other fun stuff, strictly for enjoyment.

I think I’m supposed to add a pitch here to ask you to join Medium for $5 a month, but I’m not sure how. That will have to wait!



John Anthony

I am a native of Santa Monica, California. I enjoy writing fiction and mentoring those who would like to begin writing. Email me at johnanthony.medium@aol.com.